Eye Movement and Vagal Tone

This free Feldenkrais® lesson will help you improve Vagal Tone and heath by using a lesson designed to improve eye movement. Vagal tone is measured in terms of the ability for your heart rate to speed up and slow down which also happens to be an indicator for excellent health.

In times of COVID-19 when people are concerned about breathing you will find out what the eyes and Vagal system have to with your health and well-being. Come join us!

warmly, Elinor Silverstein


  1. Hi Elinor,

    Thank you very much for the lessons you are offering. Amazing. I am wondering when you will be offering the vagus system workshop online?

  2. Hi Elinor
    Wonderful news about your recovery!
    Refuah shlaimah!
    I am loving your posts about Feldenkrais and related information. One time you mentioned the Beemer. Can you explain more about it? I have neuropathies in my feet from amputations and wonder if it could be helpful. Would love to chat!
    Joyce Bendavid

  3. Elinor, your third eye is opened so you see with your eyes closed.

    I enjoy your sharing, your vibrantion with positivity and love. Thank you.

  4. Elinor, your third eye is opened so you see with your eyes closed.

    I enjoy your sharing, your vibrantion with positivity and love. Thank you.

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