Ozone and Your Health

I have the pleasure to introduce you to a dear friend, Dr Janet Deuel Varhus. She is a brilliant holistic veterinarian, extraordinaire. She has taught me so much about alternative therapies such as cold laser, the difference between red and violet light waves and what they can do when she treats animals in her practice. And a couple of years ago she started talking with me about using ozone helping with infections, both internal and external.

In this video you will get a taste for what she is doing along with learning how modern medicine is beginning to forage ahead in using ozone treatment for any kinds of infections, including lung infections.

I hope to interview her more to share her great knowledge with you.

warmly, Elinor Silverstein


  1. Hello to all
    In this enigmatical time, I love you all
    Rise your relations and friends

  2. I have a question. I have a Spring Air Classic air purification unit (ionizer and ozonator,) built by SpringCo Manufacturing in Thomasville, GA that I bought approximately 20 years ago. The machine has two different dials so either one or both can be used at the same time. The ozone output dial is in square footage. The booklet gives clear caution and instruction to too much ozone because it can irritate mucous membranes. My question is: “is ozone in this form anything like the form your video is talking about”?

  3. Elinor,
    Can you tell me what machine you use and how it would be used for the virus or to stay healthy during this pandemic.

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