Ashes To Ashes, Renewal

Sometimes we can think life has burned us down to the ground. However, if we look at our Nature around us we can see otherwise. Just a few months ago, Southern California suffered the ravages of what seems like our annual wildfire season. This last season was bad for all of California.

In our very own backyard in Orange County we also had a huge wildfire, one of our own largest. It came within only a few streets from our home in the hills.

But, here’s the thing, this morning while out on a hike with my dog, Malka, you could see something very special already happening. Yes, very special. From what seems like completely dead and burnt, our trees are already coming back with green branches at the ground level. How can this be? The fires were hotter than ever, it even burned the topsoil. That’s bad. And yet, what is amazing are the lessons we all learned today while out hiking in the hills. What we saw was “RENEWAL.”

Renewal is amazing. It is healing. It is life saving. It is also a big lesson for all of us to learn. Because, it can come from what feels like when nothing is left, just the scorched earth beneath us.

Just know that life continues, it never really dies. Because from death also comes life. As the Hawaiians say, “We don’t die, we just change address.” Maybe they got it from Nature. It doesn’t die, it just changes address by blowing in the wind. Or maybe even from its deeply rooted living in the earth.

This is a lesson I learned today while out hiking in what we all thought was gone, is back.  It’s the New Year, time for some personal Renewal. Go out and walk, breathe the air, look around, and smile at passers-by,  you’ll love it. You’ll grow. Here’s a thumbs up to Renewal!

Elinor Silverstein





  1. Please conact me. I have glaucoma and nothing holistic or medical is working. I would like to speak with you about some things I can incorporate. I live in Solvang,Ca. and am looking to re-lcate somewhere where I can get good holistic support as well as medical and find my tribe of like minded people.

    Robyn Hood knows me well for years and I went to Eileen Bachh Y Rita, a Feldenkrais practitioner for close to 15 years until she retired.

    Kaaren Jordan

  2. Great post, Elinor. It is so true. Fire may be needed for some plants to begin to grow. We just drove through western Kansas,and the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. Many of the areas that had been burned are the greenest. Spring has come to the plains.

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