Today I am speaking with Dr Patrick Hanaway, Chief Medical Educational Officer for the Institute for Functional medicine. He is also the Medical Director of the Center for Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. Might I add that this esteemed man has been initiated as a Marakame (Shaman) by the Huichol people in the Sierra Madres of Central Mexico. He is the rare human who has both medical and healing hands, the best of what Moshe Feldenkrais talked about. It is with great gift and pleasure I share with you our discussion on something that is so important to our health and wellness, something that is really never spoken about and it is our mesentery tissue. This very important part of ourself is involved in our immune system on a very high level, it is connected to the small and large intestines. It is rich with vascularity and lymphatic fluid and nodes. Yes, this topic will be a rich one for you to listen to today. Sit back, sip your warm water and lemon and enrich your life.
L’Chaim, To Life!
Elinor Silverstein
Thank you again Elinor for a brilliant talk! You know that we all have that innate knowledge (our souls are omniscient), so when you are teaching someone, they are being reminded, and bringing that knowledge to attention. You are such a wonderful teacher to be able to do this for people… <3