The HorseBoy Method of Working with Children with Autism

It’s a beautiful day today and everyday at The HorseBoy Ranch in Elgin, Texas. The creator, Rupert Isaacson, who created this this most beautiful way of working with children with autism uses such creative and joyful ways of learning and they are nothing short of brilliant. Rupert’s son, Rowan was very young when he first made his run and dash off the ranch screaming to the neighbor’s ranch, throwing himself under their mare. The total unexpected happened which spawned a new era of working with autistic children. Using horses to help understand and work with them, but in very different ways than you might have ever seen.

Come, watch with us as Rupert guides us a little through what they do and how and why they work with children in this way. You will be so surprised to learn so much about the joys of learning and the incredible neurology it creates.

Have an wonderful and enlightening day!



  1. Elinor, Rupert – this is really impressive! I loved watching the little boy become more and more vocal and confident and happy. Interesting about the psoas too!
    Very excited. Thanks for doing this – I really want to come next year!

  2. I have a 15 year old severely autistic child. He’s very bored. Lol. I’m interested in finding out more about your program. Thank you, Darlene Vinyard

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